

This is a temporary project being used to develop & test a feature that will be added to Runway in a future release. Expect frequency, drastic, and breaking changes during development so use at your own risk.

As this project reaches certain milestones in development, there will be a versioned release. Feel free to test the released versions and provide feedback (in the form of issues) to help shape the final release.


This project can be tested while it is still under development.

  1. Install this project from GitHub. The following example shows how to do this if using poetry. After manually adding the dependency, poetry lock && poetry install will need to be run to upload the lockfile and install dependencies.

    # this can be used to get the latest updates (not recommended)
    awslambda = { git = "", branch = "master" }
    # this can be used to test from a specific commit if a feature has not yet been included in a tagged version
    awslambda = { git = "", rev = "abc123" }
    # this can be used to test a tagged version (recommended)
    awslambda = { git = "", tag = "v0.1.0" }
  2. Use the hooks & lookups as documented.